Monday, April 27, 2015

Magic Candles and Birthday Balloons

We went to the store for 6 balloons and came back with 10.  All the ladies of the store kept giving everyone balloons and wishing Bro happy birthday.  It was so sweet.

BRO is 6!

Bro turned 6 on Thursday!  It was so sweet to stop as a family and give thanks for this son of ours.  He is careful and detail-oriented, competitive and justice-focused, extremely silly, and an all around passionate boy.  And... he is FAST!

We brought popsicles to Kilometer Kids to share with his teammates, then came home to a dinner of squash-tomato soup with blueberry coffee cake.  I always love seeing what the kids are going to choose for their special dinner and dessert :)

We love you, son of our right hand!