Dearest Cuatro, though it is now December and you turned 2 back in September, I will still pause to share some things about the ways that you have been growing.
Yesterday we were sitting around the kitchen table when I noticed a roach on the floor. I exclaimed, "Roach - get it!!" You are well trained in this regard, and so you jumped up crying, "roach, roach" and ran over to get a napkin. When you came back to pick up the roach, it started crawling away. Your expression of surprise and joy was so appropriate that everyone else started cracking up. Then you threw back your head with gusto and proclaimed, "That was hilarious!" Your pronunciation was perfect, and your timing right on. None of us had ever heard you say hilarious before, and so it sent us into a round of uproarious laughter.
I share that story because it is so representative of the joy you bring to our family. You are full of wonder, you laugh and play hard, and you constantly keep us on our toes.
Some of our favorite phrase from this past year are:
pancan (pancake)
Limby (your name for yourself)