Burgess Animal: Chapter 19
Here is a Wild America short on the shrews.
Teeny Weeny
Long-Tailed Shrew (Sorex dispar)
1. He is less than 4 inches long with mouselike feet.
2. His head is pointed and his nose long.
3. He has tiny eyes and depends on his great sense of smell.
4. He is from the order Insectivora, which means he is an insect-eater.
5. He eats a lot and is extremely active!
Long-Tailed Shrew Coloring Page
Southern Short-Tailed Shrew (Blarina carolinensis)
1. He prefers moist ground.
2. He is much thicker than Teeny Weeny and has a shorter tail.
3. He eats primarily insects, but also seeds and beechnuts.
* Free-Hand Drawing based on Plate 7 from Happy Times with God's Creation (Rod and Staff Publishers).

Water Shrew (Sorex palustris)
1. He is longer than Teeny Weeny or Blarina.
2. He is a good swimmer.
3. He gets his food from the water: water beetles, tadpoles, minnows, etc.
*Plate 70 from Happy Times with God's Creation (Rod and Staff Publishers).
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