Cuatro is one blessed babe to be born into such a community! First off, he has rock-star Grandparents who lovingly stepped into our world and took over all of our driving duties so he didn't have to get carted about here and there with the older children. BMa and Daddy-O came to stay while we were in the hospital and our first few days at home. While they weren't driving the older children to their various activities, BMa was busy doting on the children and helping with their schoolwork and art projects, while Daddy-O went around fixing all of our broken things (mainly doors and tables).
BMa and Daddy-O left us on Thursday, and then my friend Amy came to swoop away the older children on Friday and take them to a special Homeschool Day at the History Museum. This allowed Hubry and me to take Cuatro to his first doctor's appointment together without having to bring the other children along. And, this allowed the older children to play with good friends and practice making new inventions (which they practiced for many days afterwards using all the contents from our recycling bin).
That first weekend home by ourselves the church provided several meals for us, which was a huge blessing, and then on Monday the children started their first day of Masters' Academy. On Tuesday GranJan and Papa RJ came to dote on the children and take over all of our driving duties. When they weren't driving the older children to activities, GranJan held the baby and read to the children, while Papa RJ mowed our grass and went around vacuuming up all of our messes. Did I mention that Cuatro has rock-star grandparents? :)
We are still being provided meals from our church and help from our friends, and Hubry and I have taken many moments to reflect and marvel at the way God has specifically answered our prayers for community in this city. When we moved to Kennesaw everything about it felt off - the University wasn't exactly the kind of place Hubry had pictured teaching, the suburban living with all of it's new cookie-cutter developments wasn't where we pictured living, and our church situation - though super encouraging - was disjointed at best as it required driving across town into the city every Sunday. The Lord has either changed our hearts or changed our situation in each of the above complaints, and He has provided generously for our wants as well as our needs. Cuatro is testimony to this generosity, and we recognize fully that it is nothing short of gift!
I've got this big sister thing! |
Shades of blue |
Brotherly love |
First day of Masters'Academy |
Enjoying a soft changing pad from Lindsey |
First bath, and no tears! |
Blessings abound! So thankful for this encouraging testimony of God's goodness and faithfulness :)