Saturday, November 9, 2013

Sayings and Quotes

***Little Raindrop is in the cutest stage where she comes up to us with a smooshy face and says with whispered voice, "I love you too much!"  She is definitely the doted-upon youngest child, as we all love her so much.

***Hubry asked Bro last night, "Would you like to listen to GT and the Halo express tonight?"  The decisive answer was, "No, it doesn't really make me have ideas."

***Songbird asked cousin Marit, "Am I your best friend?"  She replied, "Yes!"  "Am I your first best friend?"  "Yes!"  After a pensive moment Songbird responded, "Why?  I'm not really kind to you!"

***Raindrop has started tacking on the phrase, or anything, to the end of statements she wants to add emphasis to.  Some of the cutest or anything phrases have been:
"No, I don't want it.  I don't want it or anything."
 "I don't want my bed.  I don't want it or anything.  Hey, Mapa, where are you?  I don't want it                      or anything!!!"
In the car Songbird was trying to cheer up little Raindrop by singing "Jesus Loves Me."                       When that didn't work she started with the ABC song.  Finally, utterly beside herself,                             Raindrop said, "No, I don't want Bible Tells me, ABC's, or anything!

***The kids love identifying the birds at our bird-feeder.  Every time we have a visitor stopping for a bite to eat, there is general excitement and celebration.  I was surprised the other day when I noticed Raindrop was calling birds by their specific names (and getting them right).  Mama, a chickadee, a chickadee!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word, Eliza is talking so much in just the few short months since you left. I must come visit soon!! Troy may have a trip early December to ATL, still waiting on the details. I'll be in touch!
