Tuesday, March 21, 2017

First Day of Spring

Last week was cold - so cold we had fires burning upstairs and down all week long.  We even moved the couch to the middle of the room so that we could snuggle up close to the radiant heat.  Yesterday was the first official day of Spring.  And today it was so hot I had to turn the AC on in the car.   Talk about a drastic change in weather!  Aside from the time change making us all tipsy tour you, we are ready for Spring.

A few weeks ago the three oldest started playing soccer.  It is every Thursday for 2 hours and they all play at the same time (on different fields).  Kilometer Kids also started, which means Thursdays are crazy full of athletic endeavors.  I've been cooking a roast in the crock pot on these days because the kids have used up so much energy and need a quick, calorie-rich meal when we get home.  On a side note - Bro ran his pace-night mile in 7.36, and Songbird was right behin him with 7.39.  They are both  significantly faster than me now!  Thankfully they still enjoy going on runs with me when I ask.

We just finished reading the book Treasures of the Snow by Patricia St. John.  I had the copy my mother used to read to me when I was a little girl, and It was fun to finally introduce it to the kids.   It's such a beautiful story of redemption and forgiveness. One scene from the book particularly stuck with my youngest girl.  She is fiercely imaginative and desperately wants to believe that fairies, the Easter bunny, Santa Claus, and any other imaginative figure is truly real. She hasn't lost a tooth yet, but she put something under her pillow one night "just in case the tooth fairy was going to come to visit."  Well in the story the children leave their shoes outside overnight, and in the morning a new snow-white kitten is keeping warm inside Dani's shoe.  Raindrop decided she would leave her shoes outside and see if anything came to them in the night.  After nothing happened the first night, she did it again another night.  This time Hubry left a chocolate egg and a toy soldier inside the shoe for her. You can imagine her sheer joy.  The past few nights she's been leaving out her box with a cozy blanket inside.  This time she is waiting for a snow-white kitten.  At night she asks me if I think a kitten will be in her box in the morning.  I say, "no, I really don't."  But she brings the box out anyway...

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