Saturday, June 10, 2017


You are 8!  You are strong and brave and extremely hard-working.  You love to take note of the garden and flowers and let us know what is blooming or what is ready to pick.  You love climbing - rocks, swing-sets, trees, doors - anything and everything.  You run fast and steady.  You love playing soccer.

You are sensitive and gentle and understanding - unless a rule is being broken, or someone is not doing something the "right way."  In those moments justice swells up in you and passion overflows.  I pray this will be used in great ways to honor God.  That you will notice the weak or the broken and fight for justice.

You are still our most cuddly kid - looking for opportunities to sit in a lap.  In the mornings when Papa gets out the Bible to read, you jump out of your chair and find his lap as fast as possible.

You love understanding how things work.  Sometimes you'll surprise me with questions hours after the fact, and I'll realize you've just been thinking it over all morning.

Your new favorite book is The Green Ember.  You never want it to stop, and now we are listening to it over again so Papa can catch up.  You named the knitted rabbit that Melanie made for Liam "Picket" after the main character.  It has been agony for you to have to wait to hear the sequel.  This pushes The Children of the New Forest down to second place.

You like to help Papa cook the breakfast in the morning, and you rarely complain when asked to help out or do a chore.  You are a hard-worker.

We love you so much, and are so thankful to call you son!  Happy Birthday.

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