Chapter 12: A Lumberman and Engineer
American Beaver (Castor canadensis)
How to Draw a Beaver Tutorial (We're free-handing this one)
*According to Kaufman, kits are born fully furred with their eyes open, and they are able to swim within an hour of birth! They are the largest rodents in North America.
1. He is the biggest and smartest of the rodents in this country.
2. He has webbed feet (but not webbed fingers).
3. He uses his tail to warn his friends of danger by slapping it flat on the water.
4. He eats mostly bark, but also mushrooms, grass, and leaves in the summer.
Chapter 13: A Worker and a Robber
* According to Kaufman muskrats are in the same family as voles, mice, and lemmings.
1. Muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus)
1. He eats apples, clams, vegetables, and even baby birds.
2. He can swim under ice.
3. He is social and sometime shares his home with a few other muskrats.
2. Brown Rat / Norway Rat / House Rat (Rattus norvegicus)
Brown Rat Coloring Page (Plate 1)
1. He prefers dark places.
2. He has 10 or more babies at a time.
3. They carry terrible diseases.
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