Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Over Spring Break Hubry will explore the archives at the Billy Graham center at Wheaton College, as well as some archives at Notre Dame, searching for a better understanding of how Christians have historically offered aid to the developing world.  It's mostly an exploratory trip where he hopes to see how much information is available and whether or not he needs to return.  Since it's our Spring Break too, we decided it would be fun to tag along and do some exploring of the Midwest.

After our second day on the road, Hubry and I were reflecting on the fact that everyone we just saw (the Stavens' for dinner the night before, my brother in Mufreesboro, and Jina in Nashville for lunch) had been a part of our experience in Honduras.  And, we will be visiting my friend, Becca at the end of the week who also shared time with me in Honduras.  Though we didn't plan to visit everyone who had a been a part of Honduras in specific, that's what ended up happening.

I think it's a picture of two things: first, how much the relationships and bonds we make in College shape the path we walk for the rest of our lives (at least this has been very true for us).  Second, it illustrates the depth to which Honduras and the people we lived with there changed our lives forever.  We see poverty and wealth much differently now than we did before living in a third world country.  Our one main food goal for our children was that they would like black beans and rice.  Our prayers and relationships have been informed greatly by living in community with people so different from ourselves, and I'm sure there are things I'm not even aware of that I have taken with me from that time.

I love the kids all reading in the background.

Kris and Katie's Baby

1 comment:

  1. I think another part of it is that you and Tom are really and truly wonderful friends to people. It is a gift!
