Tuesday, April 26, 2016


It's that season of celebrating birthdays in our home again, and every year Bro gets to go first.   I was thinking about how seven feels so old on the one hand, and still so young on the other.  He already has two solid years of schooling under his belt, and will be promoted to a middle elementary schooler in the Fall, and yet he's still not a solid reader, and dependent on me for so much of his schooling.  He loves to cuddle close and listen to a good story, and still wants me to hold his hand in public.  He is both gentle and fierce, and he is passionate about justice.  I've often said, he is the perfect brother for sisters.

I have recently enjoyed watching his tender care for the plants in the yard.  He loves to come and report about a new bud or blossom, and when we come home from a trip he rushes around the yard taking notice of each change that has taken place.

Another new passion of his is rock climbing.  We discovered halfway through the year that a local gym has a homeschool rock climbing program one day a month.  Each month he counts down the days waiting to climb again.  He has a very natural sense of balance, and doesn't seem to mind climbing high and falling backwards once he gets to the top (a skill that has been a bit more challenging for his sisters).

He requested a real bow for his birthday, and I am excited that the kids will get to learn more about archery at Junior Ranger camp this summer, too.

He continues to enjoy his bi-weekly runs with Kilometer Kids, and is looking forward to running his first 5K in a few weeks.  I am amazed by his consistency - always running at such an even pace.  In fact, he is in general a very consistent, disciplined kid.   If I need something done, I can usually count on his help, which is a huge gift.

I am so thankful for the boy that he is growing into, and I can't wait to see where his path leads, especially in this next year as he transitions into a reader and more of an independent learner. I found this to be such an exciting stage with his sister, and I'm sure it will be so fun with him, too!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday Benjamin!!! Eowyn, Jem,and Brecken pray every morning that they get to see you soon :)
