Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Pleasant Hill Shaker Village

Our children (at least I'd like to think it's not only me) love living history experiences.  Last year we were able to go to Colonial Williamsburg together and it was a huge hit.  The books we read in preparation, and all the "colonial people" we met while there made the history of that era come alive for the children.  I think "living history" is well named, and one of the best ways to learn about the history we read in books.

That being said, I thought we should try for another living history experience on our way up to Chicago, and what better place than Pleasant Hill Shaker Village in Harrodsville, Kentucky.  I've always loved the Shaker style furniture, and pegs everywhere, and the combination of simplicity and beauty, and hidden Windows and secret passages.  Their theology is a bit unusual, but their aesthetics are timeless.

One of many secret windows.

After our carriage tour.

Where we slept.

The Shakers had over 40 miles of rock wall.  They built the first mile, then hired out the rest to Scotch / Irish laborers.

We went on a fossil hunt at the edge of the property which was covered in fossils.

My love.

Beautiful spiral staircase in the Trustees building.

The main drag.

Another secret window that leads to a very unstable looking rooftop.

Where the children slept.


  1. This looks amazing! I love these history experiences too :)

  2. So cool! I didn't know you could stay there. That's wonderful.

  3. beautiful! I love the simplicity and clean lines as well.
