Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Handy Man and the Creative Genius

The Okies came to visit a few days earlier than planned in order to skip out of DC (where they were visiting Charlotte) before Hurricane Sandy hit.  We had a lovely visit.  We personally didn't have any ill-effects from the storm (just a night of heavy winds and rain).  In fact, the morning after was so calm, lovely, and warm that we ended up going on a bike ride together :)  We ended up having unusually warm weather throughout their visit, which allowed for more outdoor time than we anticipated.  So when the rain ceased, we headed out to enjoy the Autumn Maine.

While here, Daddy-O fixed / made several coat racks for us (we had some major winter organization that needed to happen), he fixed the vacuum cleaner, fixed our bed (which I am loving sleeping in!!!), and fixed anything else he noticed was broken :)  BMa spent a great deal of time inspiring Songbird in the creative arts.  Songbird said, "when I grow up I want to have my own art studio just like BMa and hang my pictures in my studio (in reference to an upstairs bedroom  turned into a personal art studio).

Here are a few photos from our time together...

The circle rug.

A post-hurricane hike to one of our favorite State Parks: Wolf Neck Woods.

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